Referred By: Member | Phone #: Member # | Email: Member Email
Contact the person who sent you this webpage to sign-up :)

Check-out My Email Processing Program To Help YOU Earn From Home!

Dear Reader,

If you're reading this YOU are in need of making some extra money. Imagine a program so powerful your prospects can't help but send you $25 bucks! Imagine how much money you could generate by following a Simple System that earns you multiple $25 dollar payments right into your bank account or mailbox!

NO Experience Is Needed...
Just A Desire To CHANGE Your Life!

How Many Ads Can You Post A Day?

If You Receive 40 Email Requests Daily To Process, That's A…

Whopping $1000 Dollar PAYDAY!!!

You Make $25 From EVERY Person
That Signs Up From YOUR Ads!

You're Guaranteed To Get Paid
For Each Sign-up From Your Ads!

This is a convenient way to possibly earn $1000's every
week (even daily) from home
Posting Ads Online.

Could You Use An EXTRA
Or 2nd Income Right Now?

Do YOU Need Help?

Are you out of work?
Are you disabled and unable to work?
Are you a college student?
Are you looking to make some extra cash?
Have you lost most or all of your retirement?
Frustrated with "Make Money From Home" scams?
Want to start living the life YOU'VE Dreamed Of?

Earn Extra Cash Posting Ads!


Hey Folks,

Thanks for stopping by our website! I'm a member with this program and I'd really like to help you get started making money with this program. This is an absolutely awesome program. It's called the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System! This program is probably one of the most fun to work with because of the quick responses we get with it!

How great would it be for you to bring in an income working from home processing email requests? It's so easy! You get paid $25.00 per email request that shows up in your inbox to process! It’s simple work and you can do it whenever and/or wherever you want!

There's no limit to the amount of email requests you can process either, the possibilities for the amount of money you can earn is unlimited!

There’s no clock to punch, no boss to check in with and no quotas to meet. You have TOTAL control over this program. The amount of email requests you want to process each week depends on how consistent you are with posting ads, so you can work at your own pace and select your own hours.

I absolutely love being an “Email Request Processor”. I do this every day I’m able to work it. The days I work it, I get up in the morning and check my inbox for messages. I then process the email requests about this program by sending a return email out to prospects who have paid for the information. They receive their information and they can get started earning money working from home with our program. It takes just a few minutes to process each email request!

Anyone can do this – YOU can do this! Email Request Processing can be an excellent Full-Time income or Part-time income. It’s all up to you!

This is a REAL Work-At-Home Program that you can use to make a great income with - all from the comfort of your own home. My family and I currently use this program to bring in extra cash.

This Is NOT A Job Offer,
This Is An Opportunity For YOU
To Help Get Out Of The "Rat Race!"

Do You Need Extra Money Right Now?

Curious about how much YOU could actually earn? The amount of money you can make is almost unlimited and is really based on how consistently you work this program. You will earn $25.00 per email request you receive to process and again there is no limit. An average email request processor should be able to make a conservative $100 to $800 or more per week following our instructions.

Receive Just 10 Email Requests Daily To Process…

YOU Earn $91,250.00 A Year!!!

Again, each email request you receive to process is $25!

Profits Are Paid To YOU Guaranteed!

6 email requests to process is $150.00 paid to you!

30 email requests a week X $25 = $750.00 weekly!

$25 per email requests received go directly into your pockets!


If I wasn't able to make money at this, trust me, I wouldn't do it!

Curious About How Much
YOU Can Actually Earn?

Can I Really Make Money?

The amount of money you can make is only limited by how much work YOU put into this program. You will earn $25.00 for each sign-up you get from your ads and there is no limit to how many ads you can post.

When you start reselling the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System you should make it goal to earn $100 to $800 or more per week posting ads. That should, at least, be your goal. Then, ramp it up! Remember, the more ads you post the more exposure your ads get!

All of your payments will be paid directly to your PayPal or Payza account. You can also receive your payments by money order through the mail if you prefer. The more options you have to accept payments the better!

There Is No Limit To Your Earnings!

Compute Your Daily & Monthly Earnings
See How Much You Can Earn Processing Emails:

Enter the number of sign-ups you want daily and hit "Compute My Earnings!"

Enter The Number Of Sign-ups You Want Daily
Then, click "Compute My Earnings!"

   X ($25 Per Sale)

Your Total Payments Per Day


Your Total Payments Per Month


$273,750 a year income potential!

Earn $25 For EACH New Sign-up!
Your profits are Guaranteed!

Easily earn $50 Bucks DAILY!
30 sign-ups a week X $25 = $750 weekly

The more time you commit, the more time you will have for posting ads, and the more money you can make working from home - the ball is in your court!

More Ads = More Money!


If they weren't making money, they wouldn't do it!

It's Very Simple...


You can post ads on other Classified Ad websites, but BackPage.com is one of the most responsive online classified ad sites out there!

We have ads "Ready To Go" for you that have been making a lot of money for us and now you get to make money by posting these same ads too! You'll get access to instructions that walk you through posting these ads so that you can start earning money.

Again, the ads are "Ready To Go", just follow the instructions to start posting ads and you are on your way to earning money from home!

You will be posting ads in cities and countries all across BackPage.com and earning $25 dollars for every sign-up! We even give you the TOP 20 Cities we post in, but you can post in any city you want to around the world.


Here Are The Details...


1. $25 USD - For your instructions to get started - you also get access to more resources I have added.
2. A separate Email Account just for this program.
3. A Business PayPal or Payza Account to receive online payments and a Mailing Address to receive cash or money orders. (Use your separate email account to open these online payment accounts.)

ALL members have permission to copy this website. If you'd like to have it built for you there is a one-time $20 fee (Website builds are Non-Refundable). There are NO monthly hosting fees and you even get a FREE website domain name - your site will be LIVE and ready to take sign-ups.


1. You will be "Posting Pre-written Ads Daily" on BackPage.com (You'll get the Top 20 Cities we post ads in Daily!) You can also post ads at Classified Ad sites like Backpage, Craigslist, USFreeAds, etc.
2. You will be "Monitoring Your Payments" coming into your PayPal and/or Payza accounts. ($25 Payments mean you have orders to process and emails to send out!)
3. You will be "Replying to New Members" - you just need to send an email with a link to the Members Area for them to access all the information.

The ads you will use are the EXACT SAME ads that we use. You will also get access to more ads that get created. More Ads = MORE MONEY!!! There are 100's of cities and countries on BackPage to post these ads in. Once you get started, your job will be as simple as taking the ads and posting them. (There are others promoting this same offer - so, check out their ads to create even more ads for yourself!)

It's very exciting stuff!!! It's just fun checking my PayPal & Payza accounts for new payments! It still amazes me that I'm actually earning money from ads I post online! I have heard of people earning as much as $1800 to $6200 in one week posting ads!

This program was designed to supplement your current income or if you're unemployed, provide you with an income. You might not become a millionaire at this, but you can definitely start saving a considerable amount of money to give yourself some of the extras! I use this program to give me a financial cushion and it puts my mind at ease knowing I have a "Back-Up" income.


Here's What You Get...

There is a lot of really good stuff in the Members Area. All of the information in there is to help you become a successful entrepreneur!

When you make your purchase take your time to go through the training information, but get  started posting ads A.S.A.P!

Here's what you get...

1. SEVERAL PRE-WRITTEN ADS. (SAME ADS THAT I GOT!) You'll also receive my personal system I use to create my ads. I created a video to show you how I do it!

2. THE CITIES YOU'LL POST YOUR ADS IN DAILY. (Again, we give you the TOP 20 Cities to post your ads in, but you can have ads in EVERY city you choose!)

3. STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS! You will get detailed step-by-step instructions to follow and start making money as soon as possible.

4. Free Website Platform (You get a link to the same platform I used to build my website - If you need me to build your website you can place an order - the link is on the download page. There is a one-time $20 fee - Website builds are Non-Refundable)


Postcard Marketing Course This course originally sold for $299, but you get FREE access to it when you sign-up! Postcard Marketing is a simple concept, but learning how it's done by the "Pros" will give you the power to write your own paycheck.

The 100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written (This is included in the back-office as a text document download)

40+ Awesome Ideas For Creating Your Next Headline (This a list of pre-written headlines that you can use - just plug your business in. This is included in the back-office as a text document download)

Simple Ad Writing Formula (This makes writing ads so easy! You get the fundamental components that should be in an ad. This is included in the back-office as video training)

17 Reasons Why People Buy (Understanding why people buy will help you write ad copy that will attract Buyers! This is included in the back-office as a text document download)

We've got YOU 100% Covered
with everything you need!

Ready To Start Earning Some Money?
This is YOUR business, so you can run this program anywhere in the world! You get everything you need to successfully advertise at Online Classified Ad Sites like BackPage.com and many, many more! I will continue to update the Members Area with even more valuable information to help you build your Online Empire!

You are eligible to advertise this system on ANY Classified Ad site around the world. I just love posting ads on BackPage.com - it is a global Online Classified Ad Site and is currently ranked the 385th most popular website in the U.S. and it is ranked 727th Globally according to Alexa.com. They get millions of visitors daily and this is why you should be advertising there!

Again, there is a one-time "non-refundable" fee of $25.00 to receive access to the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System that is in the Members Area. The fee is charged to provide you with full training. You can earn UNLIMITED $25 dollar payments. Only serious, hard working people should order this system. When you make your purchase you will receive FULL ACCESS to all our entire system.

Once you become a member, you'll never need to spend any more money to work with this program. All you need is access to the internet, and a computer! You will not have to spend any more money, everything is provided for you.

When you get your first sign-up for the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System, you will have just earned back 100% of your cost for the system! The rest of the payments you receive are 100% instant profit! The only thing you are responsible for sending to customers is an email with the link to access the Training Information in the Members Area.

Are YOU Ready To Start
Making Money Today?

The number of email requests you receive to process is decided by how consistently you're willing to work, and how much money you wish to earn. You should be able to receive between 2-15 emails day-after-day working part-time.

We are 100% against spamming. Spamming is not a part of this program!

Remember, there's no limit to how many email requests you can receive. The number of email requests you receive depends on how much time and work you want to put into this program.

Once you register/sign-up as a member, you will be able to start making money within 24 hours! Order your membership today… and get started today!

All of the work is done online and you won't have to package anything or print anything for any of your customers.

You'll receive $25 for every email request you receive. You just process the email by sending your customer the return email message with instructions and products/services.

When you receive your 1st email request, you get back your membership fee! And then you're in the profit with every payment after that - the sky is the limit!







Contact the person listed in the ad who sent you to this webpage
to sign-up for our Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System

Referred By: Member | Phone #: Member # | Email: Member Email
Contact the person who sent you this webpage to sign-up :)

If You Have ANY Questions,
We're Here To Answer Them...

Q: What is this program ALL about?
This program is very easy to explain. The Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System shows people how to set-up a system to post ads and receive sales in their business. You're job in your business is to (1) post ads to online classified ad sites. You'll earn $25 for every sign-up you get from your ads - EASY! Then, (2) send a pre-written email to the new member who signed up with you, which gives them access to the members area - Again, EASY!

Q: What do you get for your $25 purchase? (What is the Product?)
You'll receive immediate access to the members area where you will find Training Information & Downloads, Pre-Written Ads, which include headlines, and much more. You will receive support from your referring member. If you have questions or need help, they are only an email or phone call away. You also have access to the Monitor of this program - contact information is in the Members Area.

Q: Is this a Scam or a Get Rich Quick Scheme?
Absolutely Not!!! Get rich quick schemes (or scams) are pretty easy to identify. Most will have no contact information or a non-working phone number/email and will make outrageous promises to make a person extremely wealthy over a short period of time. Our members become business owners after they purchase this program and have complete control over this business - they own their own website and have Unlimited/Lifetime access to the members area.

Q: Is this a Pyramid Scheme?
No. This is a direct sales program with a concept that has been around forever. You make $25 every time you refer someone who purchases the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System from you. Any business where money changes hands without the benefit of a product and/or service is deemed a pyramid scheme by the FTC. Our members receive both a product (Training Information & Downloads, Pre-Written Ads, which includes headlines, and much more.) and a service (Limited Support from their referrer and the monitor of this program) all for a one-time $25 fee.

Q: Is this a Ponzi Scheme?
No. Ponzi Schemes are illegal and are associated with investment programs where earlier investors are paid out from the incoming funds of new investors. Money is typically pooled together and promises of high-investment payouts are made. Typically, the scheme collapses and the newest investors are out any funds they have invested.

Q: Where can I get help if I need it?
Again, you can contact your "Referring Member" or the "Monitor" by phone and/or email.

Q: How much money can I make with this program?
We cannot tell you how much money you can make. It all depends on your efforts of posting ads online. Even after posting your ads there is no guarantee you will make sales. The key to advertising this program is consistency and frequency. The more ads you post and the more often you post your ads - the better the exposure your ads get and the better your chances are of getting sign-ups.

Q: Is there a guarantee that I’ll make money?
Although we cannot guarantee earnings, we CAN guarantee that you will earn $25 for every member that signs-up from your reseller website. Think about this... if you keep doing what you’ve been doing for the past 5 years, you’ll most likely stay exactly where you are. Where do you want to be financially in 5 years?

Q: How old do I have to be to participate in this program?
You must be 18 years of age or older.

Q: When do I get paid?
Payments go directly to you - into your PayPal or Payza accounts or by mail. Just depends on what payment methods you offer.

Q: What other costs are associated with this program?
The only requirement is for you to pay your referrer the one-time $25 membership fee. There is a website building fee of $20 if you have us build your website. You can save that $20 and build the website yourself using Yola.com's website platform, which is free to sign-up for. It's a very easy to use platform - but, you can pay us $20 one-time to do it for you.

Q: Do I have to pay taxes on my earnings?
Yes. You'll be receiving payments directly from your sign-ups - you are responsible for paying your own taxes. Depending on which payment processor you are using, you may receive a 1099-K at the end of the year. We recommend that you consult a tax professional.

Q: Can I request a refund?
Sorry we have a very strict No Refund Policy. Members are not allowed under any circumstances to issue refunds as all members are given immediate access to the members area and this access can not be taken back.

Q: How do I get started?
Getting started is easy. Pay your $25 fee and start posting the pre-written ads in the members area. It really couldn't get any easier to make money online from home!

DISCLAIMER: Participating as a reseller, you get paid $25 for each order you receive for the Email Processing Program - Simple $25 System. That's a 100% commission. Your cost is a one-time $25 fee paid directly to the owner of this website, there are NO admin fees. In turn, the people who respond to your ads will pay you directly. Because you will be given INSTANT access to the system to get started and additional products/services we have a strict NO REFUND POLICY. If you are not sure if you want to join or for any reason you are not comfortable due to this policy, we suggest that you wait until you are sure because we have a very strict No Refund Policy.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this training system and it's potential. This is not a "get-rich-quick" opportunity, but it is an opportunity to learn how to effectively write & post ads on Classified Ad sites like BackPage.com and a legitimate way to create an extra income from your home. You'll be amazed at how, with some real effort, you can see real results. It is up to you to take the necessary action. You will be given step-by-step instructions. If followed, you have the opportunity to make a very nice income. Any earnings or income statements & income examples are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There are no assurances as to how well you will do. We are a long-term opportunity, our system was designed to change your life for many years to come, use it correctly and it can.

Policies & Disclaimers: Terms Of Use | Earnings | Privacy
© 2016  All rights reserved.