WARNING: If you’re involved in ANY program (MLM, Affiliate, Network Marketing, etc.) online or offline that involves recruiting for more partners or customers and you do not take the next 7 minutes (YES, I’ve timed it!) to read every word of this website, it will be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make. 87% of people that are networking never receive one single check, and the “Insider Tells All” Recruiting System has my home office desk covered in MLM checks from three different MLM companies!

Just listen to what a couple of networkers (your competition) are saying about this 207-page book. In just a minute you’ll hear from even more networkers who have been lucky enough to stumble onto this website and book.
As you can see from the pictures above, I have used this simple and powerful recruiting system to build three separate downlines with three different MLM companies which each had three totally different product lines!
The “Insider Tells All” book was designed to put you in front of the competition (other networkers), just IMAGINE what I will reveal in the “Insider Tells All” book… it’s literally filled with one jaw dropping recruiting secret after another. If you’re involved in MLM and read every word of this website to the very end, I truly believe you won’t be able to sleep tonight.“Who Am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?”
My name is Mike, and the recruiting system that I am about to reveal has allowed me to go from being a guy that was too embarrassed to tell anyone how many people I had in my downline to being THE GUY ON-STAGE, receiving awards and getting paid as much as $500 PER HOUR from Network Marketing CEO’s to speak at their standing room only events.
Within months of discovering this recruiting system, I was featured on a 30-minute TV show about how to build wealth from home. It was seen by millions of people! It all happened so FAST and I owe it all to this recruiting system… the VERY system that I am willing to share with you for the price of a large pizza.
You will be shocked and amazed when you see what I had to go through to discover this recruiting system. You’ll quickly see that no matter how hard I worked or how much money I spent, discovering this system was the result of PURE LUCK!!!
I’ll admit it… I got lucky and now IT’S YOUR TURN!
I had been involved in MLM for almost three full years and had spent nearly $22,000 of my hard earned savings before I got lucky. The reason I was able to dedicate so much time and money to my Network Marketing Business was because I owned a very successful vending business (you know… soda machines).
I had 72 soda machines all over the Houston area and was making a pretty good living. My home was almost paid off, I had just bought a BMW, had a motorcycle and even a boat that I kept at the lake.

There was just one problem. I had ZERO time to enjoy any of it. I filled soda machines from sun up to sun down, six days a week. I was burned out and ready for a change in my life.
I sold my vending company and started my Network Marketing Career. Selling my vending company gave me the time and money to dedicate 40-50 hours a week to my new MLM business.
I did everything my upline asked of me. I had home meetings, talked to everyone within 3 feet of me, bought hundreds of dollars in samples and handed them out like candy. I was shocked when it didn’t work.
I just knew for sure that it must be the company I was with! So, I joined a different MLM company with a totally different product and started all over. Once again, I listened to my upline, did the home meetings, followed the 3-foot rule and handed out hundreds of dollars of product samples. Again, IT DID NOT WORK! Sound familiar?
It has now been almost two years since I got into Network Marketing, and I had not made a dime. In fact, at this point, I had lost about $10,000. I was now getting desperate. So, I joined my third MLM Company and truly believed that this time I was going to hit it big!
At this point, I was finally able to realize that most MLM companies have a small group of people making $10,000 per month while most of the other people in the same EXACT Company with the same EXACT product weren't making a dime!
Why is that? Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s not the company or the product that determines if you’re going to succeed. It’s the recruiting system you use to build your business! The people that are making money in MLM have been lucky enough to stumble onto a simple recruiting system that works!
I was now on the right track and hunting for a recruiting system that worked. I decided to make 500 copies of my MLM Company’s promotional video (which was not cheap). I then walked my entire subdivision hanging them on people’s doors. My thought was if I could just sign-up 10 people out of the 500 DVD’s, it would be worth all of the money I had spent. You guessed it. I didn't sign-up one person.
“That’s it!” I thought “I’m pulling out the big guns!” I decided to film a TV commercial. I actually think I was one of the first people in the U.S. to try recruiting people with a TV commercial.

By the time the production and air-time was paid for, once again, I had lost money. This time it was BIG money! I had now been in Network Marketing for three full years, had not made a dime, and all I had to show for it was the $22,000 I had LOST. That was it! I had had enough. I was finished… DONE! That night I made plans to start another vending business.
THEN IT HAPPENED! I got the phone call that changed everything.
The gentleman on the other end of the phone saw my TV commercial on the VERY last night it ran. I GOT LUCKY! He wanted to meet me at his home to talk “business”. I thought, “GREAT. I’ll sign this guy up and it just might be enough to keep my MLM dream alive for another 30 days”.
You should have seen my face when I pulled up to this gentlemen’s “home”. It was actually an estate complete with a red Ferrari parked right out front. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was about to meet one of the top direct marketers in the entire country. Now do you see why I say I got lucky, REALLY LUCKY?

His estate also came complete with a full size movie theater, a 2-story night club, and not one or two, but THREE swimming pools. This home had even been seen on MTV MORE THAN ONCE! By the way, this is also a good example of what can happen when you have a good product backed by a proven marketing system.
Within minutes of meeting this guy, I knew he wasn’t about to join my MLM business. In fact, I ended up joining the MLM Company he owned. That is when I finally, FINALLY found myself in the right place at the right time. It was the day that I discovered this recruiting system. The very same recruiting system that you are about to discover. Like I said…
I got lucky, NOW IT’S YOUR TURN!
After discovering this simple recruiting system, I quickly became the #1 distributor in his entire company. The recruiting system was unbelievably simple. In fact, it was so simple I actually used it to build two other downlines in two separate MLM companies. Now I know it can be tacky to talk about checks, but when you are talking business, it’s the best way to see if something is working or not.

Within days of tapping into this simple system, I had people from all over the country listening to my MLM “Sizzle Calls” and watching my MLM video and I didn’t have to say a single word. Think about that… If you had 100 or more people each day listening to your MLM “sizzle call”, what could that do for your business? EXACTLY!! IT GETS EVEN BETTER!
I would come home and even have messages on my voicemail from TOTAL STRANGERS wanting to know how they could sign up in my MLM business! Can you even imagine? The best part is this recruiting system is only getting stronger with each passing day. Your timing is perfect!!! I want you to see what happened when I used this recruiting system to promote my last MLM company or better yet, let the CEO of that company tell you himself:

You’re now just minutes away from being let
in on the Best Recruiting SECRET EVER!!!
Once you discover how to recruit and expose an MLM company’s opportunity and products to the masses you become very, very valuable to the entire network marketing industry.
Since the release of the “Insider Tells All” book, I have actually been contacted by network marketing CEO’s from multi-million dollar companies who have offered complimentary flights, hotel rooms at four star resorts and FREE tickets to their events in hopes that I would join their company.

Like I said, this is what happens when you have access to a recruiting system that has the power to expose MLM opportunities to the masses, which brings up a good point – do you think this book and recruiting system would be getting this much attention so fast if it wasn't everything I say it is??

Don’t worry, even though I was at an event with 22,000 screaming networkers…I never said a single word about the Insider Tells All ultimate recruiting system contained in the book .You still have time to be in front of the recruiting trend and not behind it, which brings up a good point…
The reason this system is so powerful is because only a small handful of networkers in the entire U.S. even know it exists. Think about it. You just read my story. Look at what I had to go through in order to discover it! Don’t miss out!
99% of Network Marketers will NEVER discover
this system or be lucky enough to stumble onto
this website! You got lucky!
Now, I want to answer the last question I’m sure you are asking yourself. “Mike, if this recruiting system is so simple and it works like magic why is it that you are willing to share it with me for the price of a large pizza?”
Let me answer that question RIGHT NOW, so you can see this is 100% REAL! Like I said earlier, I have flown around this country and trained thousands of networkers and have made as much as $500 an hour to speak at Network Marketing events.

While I was on stage, it dawned on me. If Network Marketing CEO’s are willing to pay me to speak at their events and another gentleman was even willing to pay me $2,000 to copy my system, why not write my entire system down, step-by-step, in an easy to follow book that anyone can follow? That’s exactly what I did!
You get the SAME EXACT system that I use today!
You get the SAME EXACT system I was paid $500 an hour to reveal!
You get the SAME EXACT system that one man paid $2,000 to copy!
You get it all for $24.95! This 207-page book, which I have titled “Insider Tells All” costs about $4 to print and sells for only $24.95. I make $20 profit on each order and sharing this recruiting system with you will not slow my personal MLM business down one bit.
That’s why I’m willing to share it with you. I can create a second income stream without hurting my existing MLM business whatsoever. It’s that simple. I told you this would all make sense to you like any good business investment should. It’s a win-win for both of us.
This is not just a book. It’s an exact BLUEPRINT of
my proven recruiting system. I left NOTHING out.

As you can see from the testimonials above some of your competition (other networkers) have already taken action and are using the “Insider Tells All” recruiting system to build their business…Don’t get left behind!
By this point in the website you have seen an extraordinary amount of documentation especially when you consider that we are only talking about a $24.95 investment. I want you to take action and make one of the best $24.95 investments you’ll ever make in your MLM business.

I’m proud to announce at this point 3,127 copies of the “Insider Tells All” book have sold in just a few short months and not ONE SINGLE book has been returned. NOT ONE… In fact, people are referring this book to their downlines like crazy!!!

In network marketing you have to accomplish two things to be successful, recruit new reps and customers for your business and train them to do the same. Training has never been easier… now that you have found this book. Which also brings up a good point… As you can see from the orders above, other networkers (your competition) have already taken action and ordered the book. Networking is a serious business and very competitive.

When was the last time a networker with a proven recruiting system was willing to write it down step by step (The Book) and share it with you for the price of a pizza? Exactly, it sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
If You’re Involved in Network Marketing
You Have an Easy Decision to Make Today!
If you have been lucky enough to be invited to this website you’re now just one step away from being let in on one of the Best Kept MLM Recruiting Secrets Ever! Here’s why I say that… 99.8% of all networkers will never discover this website or book…You just got lucky!
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